Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chaffey-Burke Elementary School PAC Meeting Minutes of Monday, October 17, 2011

Chaffey-Burke Elementary School

PAC Meeting Minutes of

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roundtable/Introductions: Ranjit Bharaj, PAC Chair

The PAC Executive meeting was opened by Ranjit at 7:05PM. In attendance: 2 faculty members, 9 parents and 1 guest.

Principal's update: Claudio Bortolussi

School population is 557; classes not actually at maximum capacity

Met w/school planning council to ensure numbers @ each grade level are appropriate

School routines settled in reading groups, resources

Terry Fox run raised $5,785

Last Pro D day teachers participated in Wild BC program on Deas Island – teachers learned how to integrate outdoors into instruction

This Friday Pro-D day is province-wide

Hot lunch on Wednesday, October 19th - Colleen collecting & organizing & distributing food with the assistance of 6 volunteer students

PAC will weigh the feedback on the hot lunches. We are on a 3 month trial period - will see how the response rate is. Diane & Melinda are organizing the hot lunches with the new catering provider

Hot lunch prices are higher than in the past, but they offer more variety for veggie, fruit, dessert.

Allison from Burnaby Parks & Recreation

Allison’s office is at Bonsor.

B active passes have come out for grade 5's. Free drop-in activities included: swimming, skating (including rentals), drop in gym programs, driving ranges & Central Park Pitch 'n Putt.

Current offering of after-school courses at Chaffey fall into 3 types of programs: Arts (ie. clayworks), Gym programs (ie. badminton & floor hockey ), and Social programs (ie. knitting , cooking). See Burnaby Parks & Recreation website: burnaby.ca/active

A suggestion was raised for a babysitting course for grade 6 students?

Allison advised that fees for any activity can be used as a tax deduction if the program exceeds 8 sessions. This is a change to include arts programs and not just sports programs.

Survey monkey to find out what offerings might work: 1st aid program, 911 skills (start at age 7), emergency planning sessions, duct tape crafts, science programs, cooking (parent involvement classes?).

Allison to suggest a mixture of classes in January 2012.

Parks & recs can bring in 2 leaders for 1 day for each school for free. Leaders can assist with setting up crafts stations or help with supervision.

Consideration for possible assistance at next year’s school picnic or walkathon.

Head teacher’s update: Michael Nielsen

Terry fox was a big success... thanks to parents.

Tulip bulbs planted by students. At least 1 division a week doing yard clean up around the school.

Author visits to the school were well-received. Their visits brought authenticity to their stories.

Volleyball season has begun for grades 6 & 7. Teachers are facilitating.

Young people’s concerts are upcoming.

Track & field: 27 school teams this year vs. 47 in most years.

Volleyball season will run until the end of November

Parent teacher meetings are not going to take place this year. There will be no formal written report cards during job action. Student evaluations are still being recorded by teachers, but reporting will not be communicated. Teachers will not be issuing written evaluations; however, parents may initiate communication if need be.

There are more primary students than intermediate students at Chaffey. The use of the playground swings has become an issue. For a time, swings use was limited to Friday afternoons for intermediate kids. Currently, intermediate leadership students have been dispatched to come up with a schedule that works for all.

Dances – there will be a dance in October – both Grades 6 & 7 students will be allowed to attend.

Will there be camp for grade 7's this year? Given the unpredictable duration of the current job action, plans for camping remain uncertain. Parent volunteers may be able to assist in some areas, but there are many logistical and liability considerations.

Winit program: Are teachers still tracking students' involvement with sports/teams? Need record- keeping for sports, service, leadership, accomplishments so that we can recognize their involvement. Michael and Claudio confirm that teachers are tracking student involvement with extra-curricular activities at school.

Will there be a Christmas concert? No due to the current job action. To avoid disappointment in December, it was suggested to communicate this in the next school newsletter. Skating field trips will also be cancelled.

Treasurer’s report: Ranjit Bharaj

Last year made $4,500, partly due to additional $2,500 gaming grant.

Walkathon, photo night, snack days and special lunches did well.

PAC pot totaled $25,000 in mid- August. PAC received $11,000 gaming grant in September.

School Planning Council (SPC)

Chaffey is looking for 3 parents to join the SPC

Duties and commitments involve going through compliance regulations at the beginning of the school year, and planning with staff at the end of the year.

DPAC Report: Dawayne Wurtz

Nothing to report; Dawayne did not attend DPAC meeting in September

Chaffey needs 2 DPAC representatives

Information is very accessible; see website: Burnabydpac.com

Earthquake prep: Ranjit Bharaj

Hank purchased supplies @ end of 2010

Claudio pointed out that we have 1 more class than we did in 2010 so we need 1 additional kit for that class

Is there water available; and is it current? Ranjit to get info (ie. expiry dates) from Hank.

Kits include nutritional bars, water, tarps.

Claudio advised that Chaffey will have an earthquake drill in the spring. Supplies in kiosks to be checked at that time.

Letter for money to replenish supplies will be sent out.


1. Fundraising plans / ideas: Ranjit Bharaj

We are going to try a school-wide direct donation approach this year. This amount of money would be taken in lieu of fundraising in other ways.

Claudio pointed out that while Chaffey has issued tax receipts for past donations, tax receipts are not supposed to be issued for donations to schools - Claudio to verify if this is indeed still the case as per District guidelines.

The past 2 years, direct donation letters have netted the school $2,000 - $2,500.

Claudio put forth a suggestion to reward the class with the highest percentage of returned donation letters (ie. participation).

Ranjit canvassed for interest for a spring photo night. Good support so we will proceed. We will also try to book our fall 2012 dates asap.

MOTION: That we approve the approve distribution of direct donation letter.

Moved: Scott Ko, Seconded: Elaine Dun CARRIED

2. School requests: Claudio Bortolussi

Principal’s wish list will be tabled for next meeting.

3. Outstanding Volunteer Roles

2 DPAC positions

Milk & juice coordinator - must have vehicle to pick up

SPC, we need 3

MOTION: That Vaishali Bavre be elected as PAC Treasurer.

Moved: Ranjit Bharaj, Seconded: Dawayne Wurtz CARRIED

4. Parking: Claudio Bortolussi

Claudio met with Traffic Patrol parent Raymond Kum

Changing traffic flow from last year; valet parking working well to get traffic moving

Students are technically not supposed to be doing traffic patrol at Sardis – it is not an official crosswalk

Re-iterate to parents to choose safety over convenience

Talking to City on possible physical changes to the front of the school

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