Sunday, September 5, 2010

BC Confederation of Parent Advisory counsil

                                    BCCT Fact Finder Meeting
On July 20, 2010, BCCPAC was invited to provide information into the investigation regarding the independence of the BC College of Teachers(BCCT) as commissioned by the Minister of Education. From the input gathered from all partner and other community groups, government appointed "Fact Finder" lawyer Don Avison, will provide a report and make recommendations regarding BC College of Teachers in fulfilling its mandate under the Teaching Profession Act.

The deadline for the report to the Minister of Education is Sep. 17, 2010. For a summary of the meeting, check out "What's New" on the BCCPAC home page,

It is with regret that the BCCPAC Board has accepted the resignation of first Vice President, Barb Lund. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Barb for her time and commitment to the parents and children of British Columbia, the knowledge and wisdom she has shared, and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

2010 BCCPAC Fall Conference
The BCCPAC 2010 Fall Conference will be happening the weekend of November 12-14, in Burnaby, BC. Watch your email and the website for regular update and information on this exciting event.

Extraordinary General Meeting(EGM)
On Saturday, November 13, 2010, BCCPAC will be holding a membership meeting to consider a new Constitution and Bylaws. Information on this meeting will be available on the website very soon as well as official notice being communicated to members before the middle of the month.


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