Friday, November 28, 2008

PAC Meeting - Monday, Dec 1

There is a PAC meeting on Dec 01, 2008 at 7pm in the School Library. This is traditionally a meeting where after the business at hand is covered, we break for refreshment to celebrate the holidays and to enjoy each other’s company before we all part to face a busy season and the busy schedule December often brings.

If anyone else would like to bring a treat to share they are welcome to do so!

Bring a mug for coffee or juice and your ideas and we will see you Monday night.

Mary and Elaine


Chaffey-Burke PAC

Chaffey Burke Elementary School

PAC Meeting

School Library

December 01, 2008- 7pm


1. Welcome/Introductions/Attendance List: Mary MacKillop and Elaine Dun- Co-Chairs
2. Brief review of meeting’s purpose, time line and process

3. Reports:

3.1 Principal’s Report- Kathie Cornell, Principal

3.2 Head Teacher’s Report- Franka Raynier, Head Teacher

3.3 DPAC Report- D. Yip/D. Wong, DPAC Reps

3.4 Hot Lunch Update- E. Wong, Hot Lunch Coordinator

3.5 Earthquake Preparation Update- D. Dong

3.6 Treasurer’s Report- J. Wong

3.7 Fundraising Report- N. Geyer

4. New Business:

4.1 Playground Update- M.MacKillop. J. Stone, N.Geyer

4.2 Other

5. Proposed PAC Meeting Speakers for 09’:

· Nutritionist: Helping parents plan Recess, Lunch and quick dinners

· BCCPA Speaker’s Bureau

· Writers Workshop Part 2

· Other

6. Next Meeting: Date, Refreshment Volunteers

7. Break For holiday goodies and Adjournment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the playground looks wonderful!!